Gastronomix, a social project which supports young people at risk exclusion
Fundación Ebro is the main sponsor of Gastronomix, a social project covering cooking, creative cuisine and personal recycling created by the Fundación la Casa y el Mundo. Each year, the project welcomes 50 young people from vulnerable backgrounds who are currently in education and wish to complement their knowledge and skills.
Over one academic year, the 50 students chosen receive professional and personal development training, specialising in cooking and cuisine, which provides them with the background and necessary knowledge to subsequently join the jobs market or continue their educational journey, thereby increasing their chances of obtaining a stable, long-lasting job.
The course is led by chef Carlos Sancanuto; it is backed by the Basque Culinary Center and held on Saturday mornings at the premises of the Escuela de Hostelería hotel and catering college in the Casa de Campo area of Madrid. The training programme includes cooking classes, serving experience and organisation of a hospitality-sector business.
Unlike other programmes, Gastronomix extends the training to cover other areas which make it possible to meet the social and professional demands of the future, such as sustainability, bringing environmental and health concerns to all parts of the initiative, through the launch of Veggie Gastronomix where vegetarian, vegan and organic cooking will take centre stage.

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